The Crane Industry Council of Australia (CICA) is the national peak industry body for the crane industry. CICA liaises with crane owners, hirers, operators, construction companies, government and regulatory bodies as well as other establishments affiliated with cranes and their use - to improve crane usage, efficiency, and safety outcomes.
The research, representation, and resources CICA provide, empower members with solutions and information they need to safely and effectively run their businesses or operations.
CICA Membership gives members access to the Australian Standards, guidance notes, safety bulletins, resources and tools to facilitate compliance with existing codes and laws.
CICA members also receive a complimentary subscription to Cranes and Lifting magazine, the only independent trade magazine dedicated to the Australasian and New Zealand crane industry.
Your membership provides representation on a state and national level to progress safety, training, regulatory and legislative matters that benefit individual members and the crane industry as a whole. CICA meets with principal stakeholders in key positions to find solutions to matters such a road access and travel restrictions so that the crane industry is represented equally and fairly.
CICA’s links with other associations with similar goals enable a collaborative approach to common issues. CICA provides Australian representation in the international crane sphere and is a member of ICSA, a group of international associations that represent the crane and rigging industry and crane manufacturers. ICSA’s goal is to foster the sharing information, networking and the harmonisation of industry standards.
CICA provides its members with the opportunity to network and engage through branch meetings, industry days and member discounted events such as the annual national CICA Conference.
The national CICA Conference is the premier industry event and an unrivalled industry networking experience. This event gives members discounted access to the latest industry and product information and the opportunity to network with industry leaders, business representatives, suppliers and manufacturers from within Australia and international markets.
CICA Membership also gives individuals and businesses the opportunity to enter awards such as ‘Lift of the Year’, ‘Photo of the Year’ and other awards that recognise industry excellence.
CICA welcomes applications for membership from organisations associated with the crane industry. This includes crane owners, operators and hirers, government bodies, manufacturers, equipment suppliers, contractors, consultants, technology specialists, education, and research facilities.
CICA reserves the right to admit, admit on conditions or not admit any applicant for membership. Once admitted, CICA reserves the right to suspend, revoke or not renew any membership. CICA may exercise these rights for its own reasons, in its sole and absolute discretion and interest and without any obligation to provide reasons for any such decision. Any such decision of CICA will be final.