This Code of Conduct has been prepared to outline the broad principles of legal and ethical business conduct expected of CICA Members.
It is a condition of CICA membership that all members will comply with the Code by agreeing to these principles.
A member will conduct their business in an ethical and legal manner so as to reflect positively on the industry and CICA. In doing so a member will act with integrity and in a responsible and professional manner in the spirit of good faith and fair dealing.
A member will ensure that they and their officers, employees and agents will not engage in any conduct that undermines the mission or products and services offered by CICA or which brings or is likely to bring CICA, its mission or products and services into disrepute.
A member, if supplying cranes and equipment, will ensure they are in a safe condition, that they are maintained in accordance with the Australian Standards and manufacturer's recommendations and that they are suitable for the required activity.
A member will exercise all reasonable care to ensure any machinery is operated in a safe manner in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations, Australian Standards and all local rules and regulations.
A member will supply personnel who are trained and qualified and hold all required licences and certifications.
Members will promote this Code with all personnel to ensure they act in accordance with the provisions of this code.
Members will comply with any other policies, procedures, codes or rules of CICA as notified from time-to-time, including without limitation, CICA’s Event Code of Conduct.
CICA reserves the right to admit, admit on conditions or not admit any applicant for membership. Once admitted, CICA reserves the right to suspend, revoke or not renew any membership. CICA may exercise these rights for its own reasons, in its sole and absolute discretion and interest and without any obligation to provide reasons for any such decision. Any such decision of CICA will be final.
Any breach of this Code should be reported to the CICA Board, via the CICA Chief Executive Officer. Members will be prepared to co-operate with any investigation of any potential breach of this Code.
Members agree to be bound by this Code of Conduct upon joining CICA and payment of subsequent renewals fees will assume agreement of continued compliance.