The Lift of the Year awards are sponsored by:
The Crane Industry Council of Australia (CICA), recognises excellence and innovation in the Australian crane industry with the CICA Lift Of The Year Awards presented at the annual CICA conference.
Terms and Conditions and Entry Form can be found here.
Entries are accepted from CICA Members with four lifting awards open for entry:
Is open to entries completed by CICA Crane Owner/Hirer Members and / or Associate Members.
Project of the Year entry template
The less than 20 Tonne award category is open to CICA Crane Owner/Hirer Members who have performed a lift with a load of less than 20 tonnes.
Lift of the Year < 20-tonne entry template
The more than 20 Tonne award category is open to CICA Crane Owner/Hirer Members who have performed a lift with a load of more than 20 tonnes.
Lift of the Year >20-tonne template
Is intended to showcase industry innovation, in addition to Project of The Year and Lift of the Year Award’s <20Tonne Load and >20Tonne Load.
The Innovation Award highlights the lifting industry’s talents and skills and present the products or methods offering new ways of solving day to day challenges our industry faces and carry our industry into the future.
The Innovation Award entries are open to all innovation activities or products related to the lifting industry. Example entries include: lift planning; lifting equipment design, selection, and use; lifting accessory design, selection, and use; safety product design, selection, and use.
The overall best lift from these categories will be awarded the Bill Shaw Memorial Trophy.