CICA’s formation can be attributed to a group of dedicated state crane industry identities who instigated the first 'National Crane Hire Seminar', which was held in August 1979 on the Gold Coast. During the organisation of this first conference, the conference committee decided to form a national body to represent crane hirers and The Crane Industry Council of Australia (CICA) was formed. At this time marketing and manufacturing companies had moved to form their own association, the Australian Crane Marketer’s Association (ACMA) under the guidance and leadership of the President, Robert Way.
In March 1980, CICA’s first Office Bearers were elected: Bill Shaw (Chairman), Bob Parker (Vice Chairman) and committee John Black, Garry Rundell and Doug Shell; and a Secretariat was also established under the direction of Norman Jones. The Constitution of the Council was adopted in January 1981 and CICA was incorporated as a Public Company Limited by Guarantee on 20th March, 1984.
On the 21st June, 1990 it was unanimously decided to amalgamate CICA with the ACMA, to represent a united crane industry.
In February 1999 the Secretariat was relocated to Melbourne and in March 2002 an independent office was established in Glen Waverley (Melbourne) with Jane Walker as Executive Officer until her retirement.
The Constitution was updated in 2006 and the change was made from a committee to a board of directors.
Alan Marshall was appointed as CICA’s Chief Executive Officer in September 2008. In December 2009 the CICA Secretariat moved to its newly purchased office building in Mulgrave, Victoria.
A new Constitution was adopted in September 2013.
Following extensive industry consultation, the 'One Association' project was conducted from 2011 to 2014. This project assisted the crane industry to consider whether a rationalisation of the six separate state associations would achieve a more efficient, resourced and focused single entity under CICA.
As a result of this process the Crane Industry Association of New South Wales and the Crane Industry Association of Queensland members voted to dissolve their associations and form the CICA New South Wales and CICA Queensland Branches effective from 1st January, 2014.
Further state association member votes in early 2014 resulted in the South Australian Crane Association, the Victorian Crane Association and the Northern Territory Crane Association forming the CICA South Australia, Victoria and Northern Territory Branches from 1st July, 2014.
Brandon Hitch, formerly the CraneSafe General Manager, was appointed the Chief Executive Officer in December 2014.
Western Australia voted late 2016 to become a part of CICA, CICA WA Branch came to fruition in early 2017.
CICA continues to provide resources, develop initiatives and advocate on matters of concern to the crane industry of Australia.