Crane safety is serious, yet most pick and carry crane operators have never been properly trained or assessed. CICA, with a grant from the Federal Government, developed the CICA On-Road Articulated Steering Mobile Crane Training Course. To find out more, click here.
To assist you with planning your lift using articulated pick and carry cranes, CICA together with Multiplex have developed an easy-to-use side slope deration calculation tool according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Click here
Lift planning tools are available here
Like all tools in the rigging box arsenal, soft slings need to be used correctly to ensure lifts are completed safely. To read more, click here.
Articulated pick and carry cranes are a very common crane used in construction, mining, and general mobile crane duties.They have many benefits for their users, but as with all cranes, careful consideration needs to be given for their safe use. Click here to watch more.
Click here to watch the videos BOOM logistics developed in conjunction with CICA and EWPA
Click here to learn more about the Outrigger app.
You can access PDF's of past CICA Safety Bulletins by clicking here.
The current High Risk Work License system allows operators who have a slewing mobile crane license to operate articulated cranes. Articulated crane operation is unique in comparison to the operation of other types of mobile cranes and competency for articulated crane operation should be verified independent of slewing crane operation competency.
Click here to access this Position Paper
This position paper compares lifting safety between cranes and excavators. Click here to download.